Thursday, August 30, 2012

Things I Don't Understand

  • Who decides the rules for how shit is written?  Someone recently told me that you aren't supposed to put 2 spaces after your periods anymore, only 1 space. What?  Who decides this?  My thumbs are absolutely trained to stab that space bar twice after every period, and I'm not sure I'll ever be able to stop it.  
  • Speaking of this, twice in the last 7 years the rules for commas have changed.  From the time I learned to write, it was all "apples COMMA oranges COMMA and bananas"...then I had this job where they were all "nono, now it's apples COMMA oranges and bananas" and that was really hard to me to change but I did.  And then 2 years ago, someone scolded me that it was back to the first way.  WTF punctuation, make up your damn mind.
  • Why is it that sometimes hot dog buns sometimes can hang out in my pantry for a seemingly endless amount of time without molding and sometimes they mold within 15 seconds of coming home from the grocery store?
  • Why doesn't the toaster toast the bread equally on each side?  And why can't I remember which side gets hotter when I put bagels in there?
  • Why hasn't someone come up with a genius diaper genie where you can use grocery bags instead of those SUPER EXPENSIVE diaper genie refills?  I hate those things.  Paying nearly $6 for the refills pains me in my cheap little heart.  


Swistle said...

The comma/spaces things drive me WILD. Especially because everyone who's against the way it's being done is all, "PEOPLE DOING IT THE OTHER WAY ARE SHOWING THEIR IGNORANCE AND UNWASHEDNESS AND ILLITERACY." No, no, thanks for saying so! Very illuminating! And so convincing!

PreshusMe said...

Wait. You only pay $6 for diaper genie refills?? I pay $9 - $10!! Damn.